Friday, August 1, 2008

The first day of the rest of my life

My first day as a stay at home mom. To say that it was a change of pace is an understatement of gross proportions. My new boss, Baby A, woke me promptly at 7:30 am, the time I would normally be starting my day at the office.

I think I'm on a high right now that I'm afraid will wear off in a matter of time. It's a shame that reality has to set in and ruin my bliss. Because I must say, today was a perfect day. Baby A & I had so much fun playing, strolling, napping, singing, dancing, and visiting friends, that I couldn't imagine a more enjoyable way to spend our time together.

I feel so blessed that I have the good fortune (and support of my husband) to stay at home with our Baby Girl. I feel like I've already missed out on so much. But no more. Even today, our little sweetie sat up on her own, with no help from me. How cool is that?! And to think had I been at work I would have missed it.

And I love work, I really do. I felt like I was entering a new phase in my job that held so many possibilities for me. But in those great opportunities often come great sacrifice, and I simply refuse to do that to myself and my family anymore. Right now, life is about me, my child, my hubby, and friends and family. And I couldn't be happier.

This, my friends, is the life.


Grams said...

Grams here! The best is yet to come for you and Baby A. As you were growing, I always felt it was you and me against the world. It still is but now we are a trio!

SarahHub said...

This IS the life and we are blessed to live it! The high hasn't worn off for me yet, by the way!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad to hear of your first wonderful day. I've added you to my favorites so I'll be reading often. Blessings to you!