Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Roll with it baby

Although recent events have limited my ability to assume mom duties, and the Grandmothers have officially taken over the household and my child, I find myself still wanting to get down and play with Baby A. How could I not? Those moments with Baby A are some of the best, what they would call back in the day, "Red Letter Days."

By this afternoon I'm gettin' the vibe that Baby A is missin' mom time too. So what does she do? My darling daughter starts rolling toward me, wherever I happen to be laid up at the moment. At the tender age of 7 months she's not crawling, but that baby can roll. No subtlety there, she is her mother's daughter, after all. She wants my attention, so she just rolls on over and gets it. And even though I'm livin' large and in charge in pain city, nothing makes me feel happier than that child seeking ME out to play. It was a beautiful day.

1 comment:

SarahHub said...

How cute! She LOVES you!